-_- Seriously. What is wrong with you people. On a brighter note. I am still packing. Not over packing, just packing. I have given some serious thought to what needs packed for this trip and I feel a little more prepared this time compared to the last time we left the country. This time I have an entire bottle of anti-diarrheal medicine. Gross? No, what's gross is not leaving the bathroom for the entire week you are on vacation. Not going to happen to this girl. I have also carefully chosen appropriate bathing suits, sunscreen and cover ups. Bringing everything else is optional.
Leaving on vacation is hard work. I don't care what anyone says. You have to clean your house, wash all of your laundry, pack, clean out your fridge, do all of your dishes and make sure there isn't any trash in the house. Who knows who might be in your house while you are gone, you can't leave it a mess! Not to mention it sucks coming home from vacation and cleaning your dirty house. So, here I am with one day left cleaning like a mad woman. Until I found the spider, that is. I just don't do spiders. Just looking at one sends me into a shivering fit of the heebie jeebies like you've never seen before. It's not rational, but it happens. Right before writing this blog I spotted a spider on the wall. Did I mention I have an unbelievable spider-dar? So, I spotted this disgusting thing on the wall, got up slowly, went over to get my husbands shoes (not mine, ew) and went back over to kill the spider. When I got the shoe close it fell off of the wall and into the crack between the floor boards and wall. Dammit! So, I put up the shoes like a barricade and sat down to wait. Finally, the spider climbed back up the wall, I got up off of the couch, picked up a shoe, went to smoosh him, and s*%$ he is GONE. Like, gone with the wind, gone. Never to be seen again. Which I can't say I really mind. Except... I think this is the same spider I spotted in the bathroom about a month ago and got away from me then too. Ugh. I'm sure we will meet again
So, what have we learned from this blog, you ask? 1. Pack anti- diarrheal medicine when leaving the country (You will need it). 2. Do not EVER turn your back on a spider.
What's the point in having little dogs, if they can't catch spiders? I figured Charlie would be all over that. I guess he's too busy staring out the window, and barking at the neighbors, to notice that his mother is in great danger. Good luck catching the little sucker, I'll be home in an hour to help.