It's been almost an entire year. Did you miss me?
*** If you didn't.... you wouldn't be reading this. Right!?
So, what has happened in the last year. Oh, where do I begin.....
I'll make a list. (I freaking love lists.)

1. I had a baby! Hooray!
My beautiful bouncing baby girl was born in December. She is perfect, by the way. Duh! She is a blonde haired, blue eyed adorable bunch of sass. She is getting soooo big! We are coming up on her first birthday way too quickly :( Waaaaaah! Mama wants her to stay little forever! Well, maybe not forever, forever. But, if time could slow down a tiny little bit, I would appreciate it.....
2. I started babysitting out of my home. Even though it was short lived, it was well worth it. Evie and I both benefited immensely from the experience. Plus, it showed me that I CAN still be active and social while toting around two children. Go me!

Now, don't get your panties in a bunch. I was kidding. It's all for the blog. Do you people think anyone would read this if I wasn't an ass? Naaaah. Plus, I didn't actually upload a picture to urban dictionary. Even though that would be awesome.
4. Found an amazing play group. I love all of the moms and kids at play group. How is that even possible!? I don't generally like people, yet all of these moms rock. They are the most supportive and inspiring group of people I've ever met. Awesome.
5. (This is probably the one you have been waiting for.)

6. We are buying a house! Woo hoo! I can't even explain how happy I am to be living in a stable environment soon! Hooray for stability! The house is a fixer upper, but once again, a great investment. Friends and family. Come visit! We live in a beautiful city, with great resources. Not to mention we are pretty darn close to the beach AAANNNDD a ton of outlets (Christmas shopping, anyone?).
So, there it is. A summary of our 2014. I can't even explain how much I am SO looking forward to 2015. Even though 2014 brought about a lot of positive changes, they are more long term. So, the NOW pretty much sucked all year. It makes me sad, because 2014 was really the year that my baby girl grew up (even though she was born last year.). Which means, this year should have been awesome! But, as you know... being a grown up blows. It does. There is no way around it. It's hard and I hate it. Uuuugghhhh. Why didn't anyone tell me when I was 5 that THOSE were the glory years!? WHY!? Enjoy it while you can, kids.
When you hit a rough patch. There is no where to go, but forward. Thanks, Disney, for the perfectly quotable quote for this situation.
See ya next time, fishes. Hopefully it won't take me another year to crank out one of these bad boys...
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