Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Today I go in for my second GD test for this pregnancy. Not because I am particularly at risk, but because I have risk factors.

And I'm letting it ruin my day.

What the hell. Really? Why would I let a little blood test ruin my day? I need to turn my attitude around and get my priorities straight.

Things that make me happy today:
1. I have a beautiful, healthy family.
2. My house is messy. I am thankful for my messy house because it means that I spend more time with my daughter than I do cleaning up my house. She is the better investment.
3. The weather. It is going to be in the high 60's and sunny today. In March. Ah-mazing.
4. My baby bump. I am thankful to have it because it means that I have been lucky enough to carry two little miracles.
5. The color purple. I put on a new purple shirt this morning, for the first time.... and I have to say, it looks damn good.
6. The birds chirping outside. They remind me that spring is here and beach weather is right around the corner!
7. My husband who is kind enough to sit all day every day at work so that Evie and I can stay at home together.
8. Chocolate.
9. My wedding rings. I STILL HAVE THEM ON! This is a huge accomplishment for me, considering I am almost 28 weeks pregnant and have had issues with swelling in the past. Woo hoo! (Not to mention, they are gorgeous. But, I'm a little biased. Haha.)
10. My perfume. I found perfume that I thought I had lost, and I am wearing it today. Every time I get a whiff, I smile because iiiitttt''sssss mmmmyyyy ffaaavvvooorrriiittte!


What are you happy about today? 

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” 
― Abraham Lincoln


  1. Here is what I'm happy about:

    1. You
    2. Our hilarious, beautiful, loving daughter
    3. Our unborn son
    4. Having a job that allows you to stay home and raise our children
    5. Student loan debt.....wait, wrong list
    6. Making our house a home, more and more everyday
    7. It didn't snow here yesterday....sorry Ohio. lol
    8. Lemonheads
    9. My wife looks damn good in purple
    10. Your perfume

  2. I am happy that you, Chad, Evie and Oliver are my family! I love you!
