I have been feeling the full effect of pregnancy hormones lately (as my poor hubby knows) and now I will share it with all of you.

I happen to have an app called "the bump." I downloaded this app when looking for good pregnancy apps on my iphone. I was excited to download "the bump" because I was part of The Knot when getting married and part of The Nest while purchasing our first house. I am a huge fan. I have spent countless hours on these websites and they have been invaluable to me.
Now, let me just take a second to point out.. the bitch session that is about to commence is not directed at "the bump." It is however directed to people who post on the website/app.
Okay, where should I begin? I belong to the December '13 birth club. On my app I can conveniently click right on my birth club and be taken to a forum where you can post/ blog/ respond to other December '13 moms. F$%^ that shit.

I have complained numerous times to my husband about these women. He always asks me, why don't you delete the app? To which I say, I enjoy being a part of a community of women who are going through the same things that I am. Reasonable, right? Sigh. I just can't decide what to do.
I am at a complete loss. I absolutely do NOT allow rude and mean people to hang about in my life. But, I feel that since I am just a lurker on the forum and have not posted that I can't say that I have a direct problem with anyone.
On to my next issue. Anyone who makes my blood pressure jump through the roof. IF YOU DON'T HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T TALK TO ME. Just don't. I am sick and tired of people being so damn difficult and expecting me to nod and smile at them like they aren't crazy. I probably f*&#$^& hate you right now. I currently have two lists. People I don't want to shank and people I would love to shank. Beware. I feel that this is perfectly reasonable. I am attempting to have a nice relaxing pregnancy where everything is butterflies and unicorns. Don't shit on my rainbow. Take your Barbara hating ass somewhere else.

Oh, and don't tell me I look like I am having twins... when you clearly know I am not. Do I have to make it this obvious?.....
I love you :) I would be angry, too! I hope you get the answers to the questions you have! I know I would have a million!
ReplyDeleteBAHAHA. so true, I had a full on love/hate relationship with the bump app. I always lurked, but there were SO many times I wanted to jump in and go verbal kung fu on some of those momtrolls. seriously.