Thursday, June 20, 2013

Need to smile?

If you are needing a little "pick me up" check out the video of my maltese puppy Lulu. 

On another note, I bought organic "cheetos" the other day at the grocery store because I am trying to be a little more conscience (because the baby eats what I eat, blah, blah, blah). So, I bought organic "cheetos" which I tried today for lunch. They are NOT even close to cheetos. Organic fail. They are tasty... if you are super into Kraft Mac and Cheese. It's so weird, they taste exactly like hard Mac and Cheese. I eventually had to put them away because it was freaking me out. BUT! They still leave the yellowish orange cheese dust on your fingers, just like real cheetos. 

To be more serious, (this post is all over the place) I am having an internal conflict about looking for a job. I am really unsure if I am ready to commit. I know that a lot of people have to work while they are pregnant, I'm not saying that you shouldn't... I'm just not sure if I am ready to jump into a new position at a new place. Starting a new job is stressful enough, but also looking into childcare jobs. It gives me the heebie jeebies. I know I'm being super picky, but I was looking for something super part time and pretty non-committal. All of the places I have interviewed at are into super long term commitments and are kinda pushy when it comes to hours. Both of which, I don't know if I can bend on. I mean, when the baby comes, the baby comes. Nothing I can do there. And as for the hours... I have been in situations before where I was working more hours than I was comfortable with... and it doesn't end well. I hate to jump into a stressful situation in the middle of a pregnancy, especially when it is not necessary. 

Oh, Oh! AND. I have been looking for jobs via Craigslist....which drives me CRAZY! When posting an ad on Craigslist why don't any of these people mention what place they are representing? How am I supposed to know if I am interested if they don't say which childcare they are or where they are located!? Sigh, it gets worse. Then they email me saying they want me to come in for an interview "at my childcare center." Where the f%$@ is that!? Come on people, I shouldn't have to awkwardly ask you what place you are hiring for. Get with the program lol.

By the way, my hubby and I just celebrated our two year anniversary (he bought me a new pillow per the "second year = cotton" rule) sooo..... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US! :)

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