Well, as the time flies by I have been thinking a lot about how I am going to feed the baby once she arrives. There are so many options.
Option 1: Breastfeed exclusively
Option 2: Formula feed exclusively
Option 3: Pump and bottle feed
Option 4: Breastfeed and pump/bottle feed
Option 5: Any of the above options combined in a crazy way that I have not thought of
My head is spinning.

It is inappropriate for you to say anything negative to me about pregnancy/birth/feeding/babies at this point. I'm pretty darn committed. So keep it to yourself. It's not funny to tell me horrible things and then tell me that "you are sure that those things won't happen to me." Not cool.
On the flip side. Like I mentioned earlier. I have NO idea what I'm doing as far as breastfeeding goes. I have a lot of experience taking care of children. I can play with them, teach them, change diapers, bathe them, help them sleep, etc. But, never in my life have I fed a child with an appendage or part of my body. Ever. It's a pretty daunting task. So, if you have helpful and insightful advice on how I can make breastfeeding easier for myself and my child. Please, advise away. Message me, text me, call me or leave a comment on here. Whatever is easiest.
Back to PART 1: Jumping all over the place. Yikes.
Well, this is initially what made me want to write this particular post. I was searching on the Internet for information about breastfeeding when I came upon a certain story. It was about how a woman was breastfeeding her infant in the food court of a mall. She was approached by several people who were very agitated and aggressive and asked her to leave or feed her baby in the bathroom.
WOAH. Seriously?
First of all... when has America EVER, EVER been
offended by boobs. For f&%$s sake. This is
completely ludicrous.
Check out any playboy or Sports Illustrated (or this lady to the left.)
Second of all.... it is ILLEGAL to ask a woman to leave because she is breastfeeding her child.
My blood was boiling. Now, don't get me wrong. I think it is a little weird when someone just whips out a boob, plops that sucker out of the top of her shirt and starts feeding her child. I get a little weirded out. But,
it is her prerogative. Maybe she enjoys seeing the looks of horror as people see parts of her they hoped to God they would never see. I don't know. While I plan to breastfeed my child, I do not plan to enroll myself in the boob plopping club. A nice cover will do. If I am using that cover I will assume that I can (and will) breastfeed my baby where ever I please. (Please note, I will only be using the cover in public because I am a wimpy lame ass who is not self confident enough to whip out a breast). I WILL NEVER FEED MY CHILD IN A NASTY PUBLIC RESTROOM. That is so disgusting. Would you eat in a public restroom?!? Would you honestly take your pizza slice, head on over to the nearest public restroom, sit on the toilet and feed yourself? Hell no you wouldn't.
it is her prerogative. Maybe she enjoys seeing the looks of horror as people see parts of her they hoped to God they would never see. I don't know. While I plan to breastfeed my child, I do not plan to enroll myself in the boob plopping club. A nice cover will do. If I am using that cover I will assume that I can (and will) breastfeed my baby where ever I please. (Please note, I will only be using the cover in public because I am a wimpy lame ass who is not self confident enough to whip out a breast). I WILL NEVER FEED MY CHILD IN A NASTY PUBLIC RESTROOM. That is so disgusting. Would you eat in a public restroom?!? Would you honestly take your pizza slice, head on over to the nearest public restroom, sit on the toilet and feed yourself? Hell no you wouldn't.
Since I have made the decision to breastfeed (and pump) I feel like I have a few more options than mothers who only breastfeed. Thank goodness, because I honestly have anxiety about feeding my child already. If people are that horrible to breastfeeding mothers, how horrible are they going to be to me!? I absolutely hate that this is a factor that many new mothers have to consider when deciding whether or not to breastfeed their child. It should NOT be about who they are going to offend, but rather about what choice is the best choice for their child.
Sigh. I think I may have lost all faith in humanity.
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