Motto of the moment: Can't reach it; don't need it.
WOW! I have been slacking. You would think that with all of this time at home I would have time to type a little on the computer... but no. You would be surprised how the time gets away from you when you step up into the "Expert time waster" category.
Let's recap the time that I have spent away...
1. My hubby and I painted the nursery.
2. My hubby and I started and are currently painting the dressers for the nursery.
3. My hubby and I went to Boston.
4. I am now officially in the third trimester.
5. We got to see our baby girl in a 3d/4d ultrasound!
6. My hubby graduated with his B.S!!!
7. I am super excited about the planning of my baby showers!
So many amazing things are happening in our lives right now. It's nice sometimes to see these things in a list form because it really makes you realize how many things you have to be thankful for.
You know, I know that sometimes I make it seem as if my life is perfect (reality check). This has really stuck with me. Not in a good way, not in a bad way. Just in a... think about it kind of way. Some days this makes me feel extremely happy and reminds me to feel thankful, because obviously I have a lot to be thankful for. Some days this makes me sad, because I feel like people think that I do not have my own personal struggles. No one has a perfect life, no one has perfect relationships and no one should have to live up to that standard, self imposed or not. Let me tell you a little bit about why my life is NOT perfect...
1. I got a cold. Now, you might this this is silly. But, when you are pregnant... being sick is the worst possible f$#@ing thing on the planet. I turned into a whiny, emotional, irritable pile of useless. I honestly don't know how my husband made it through. What a brave, brave man. I think that being sick while you are pregnant shouldn't be allowed. I mean, your body is already so busy, it's not fair to hand it another work load on top of growing a human. Seriously. I don't know how people who are sick, sick while pregnant do it. (Claps hands) Good for you!.... not meant sarcastically.
2. Pregnancy is not always cute. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being pregnant. It is my favorite thing in the whole wide world ( I think I have infertility to thank for that ). But, the sad truth is, that it isn't always pretty. You want to talk about how my face has decided that dark spots are cool? Or about how I can't reach my legs to shave them? Or how I PEED WHEN I SNEEZED the other day. Dear God. I had forgotten about the snissing. How could I forget. That has been my favorite dislikable pregnancy symptom so far. Why? Because it is so damn funny. Who doesn't laugh when someone sneezes and pees? If you don't, you have no soul.
3. I am freaking out. I am losing my mind about packing a hospital bag. Like, bat shit crazy. I have been stressing out about which kaftan is going to make me look less fat after I give birth, which face wipes will be more calming and which snacks will stop me from becoming the hulk at 3am. Do YOU know why I am freaking out? Do you? Because, I finally figured it out the other day. It is not the packing, it is not the outfit or the wipes, or the snacks. It is the fact that when I go into the hospital I will be leaving with a baby. Cold hard fact. That is the day my life officially changes forever. This girl, who loves to be prepared for EVERYTHING, cannot prepare for that. I cannot possibly prepare myself for the love I am going to feel for this little girl. I cannot prepare for the fear I am going to feel when I put her in the car to bring her home. I cannot prepare for the emotional rollercoaster I will be riding on through the whole experience. How terrifying is that!?
I think I am going to stop at three. I don't think that this blog should always be about negative things. I think that those things are enough of a peek into real life. Now, you can go back to thinking I wear my rose colored sunglasses at night. (Do you like what I did there?)
One more thing... I ordered my diaper bag off of Zappos the other night.... AND I'M REALLY REALLY REALLY FREAKING EXCITED for it to get here. Really.
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